File ownership is a Linux operating system construct. 文件所属关系是Linux操作系统结构。
For each file found that meets one of these criteria, the file is updated with the new user and group ownership. 对于每个符合以上标准之一的文件,都会用新的用户和组所有权来更新。
Verify the directory, file ownership, and permissions for the core file by using 使用以下命令来验证核心文件的目录、文件所有权和权限
The database is actually split into two databases: a file database that records the pseudo environment ( files, ownership, modes), and a log database that records events. 这个数据库实际上分为两个数据库:文件数据库记录pseudo环境(文件、所有者、模式)和日志数据库记录事件。
The v, f, and p options specify verbose output ( prints the files being added/ extracted), writes/ reads from a file ( instead of a tape device), and retains permissions and ownership, respectively. f和p选项分别指定输出详细信息(显示正在添加或提取的文件)、对文件(而不是磁带设备)进行写入/读取、保持权限和所有权。
Also, until the file ownership is fixed in a later step, the users temporarily loses access to their files. 还有,在下一步修复文件所有权之前,用户会暂时无法访问文件。
If the DBSA group is group informix ( default), then the ONCONFIG file should be owned by user informix too; otherwise, the ownership is not constrained. 如果DBSA组是组informix(默认),则CONFIG文件也应该属于用户informix;否则所有权关系就是不正常的。
The chown-R virtuser: virtuser command changes file ownership of the installed contents to the desired user and group. chown-Rvirtuser:virtuser命令将已安装内容的文件所有权更改为要求的用户和组。
Owner& Preserve the file ownership, if possible. owner&如果可能的话,保留文件的所有者。
Keep in mind that every file owned by bin will have an ownership of2, because AIX doesn't automatically change the file ownership to the user's new UID. 请记住,bin拥有的每个文件的所有权将为2,原因是AIX不会自动将文件的所有权更改为用户的新UID。
The superuser, root, can also change file ownership by using the chown, or change owner, command. 超级用户root也可以使用chown或changeowner命令来更改文件所有权。
File ownership in AIX is determined by the UID, and group file permissions are determined by the GID. AIX中的文件所有权是由UID确定的,组文件权限是由GID确定的。
For example, the file ownership and group ownership settings can only be preserved if the source and destination machines use the same IDs for the same user. 例如,只有在源和目标计算机对相同用户使用相同ID的情况下,才能保留文件所有者和组所有者设置。
Because the file systems have failed over to the secondary server, the ownership is incorrect. 由于文件系统已经故障转移到辅助服务器,因此所有权是不正确的。
Rock Ridge: Extensions to ISO-9660 allowing long filenames and UNIX-style symlinks; preserves all file attributes, such as ownership and permissions. RockRidge:是对ISO-9660的扩展,它允许长文件名和UNIX样式的符号链接;保留了所有文件属性,如所有权和许可权。
Change the file ownership to informix: informix. 将文件所有权改为informix:informix。
We would like to file a legal document acknowledging transfer of ownership. 我们想申请一份承认所有权转移的合法文件。